Susan Kite was born in Indiana, but because her father was in the Army, she moved extensively during her growing-up years. The post library was the first place she found after a move, avidly reading the works of Andre Norton, Robert Heinlein, Anne McCaffrey, J. R. R. Tolkien and many others. In her teens, she dabbled in writing, creating stories based on characters from her favorite TV shows. (Today that’s called fan fiction!)
That changed thirty years ago when the writing bug bit again. For a decade, fan fiction was the focus, but this provided practice and helped develop skills needed to write original works. A visit to the Mission San Luis Rey in California in 2001, and subsequent research became the catalyst to write her first young adult historical novel, My House of Dreams. She followed that with a science-fiction trilogy, TheMendel Experiment, a middle grade fantasy, Realms of the Cat and First Realm, other science fiction novels, Moon Crusher, Planet of Outcasts, Crossroads to the Stars, Voyage of the Sea Dragon, and an early chapter tall tale, Billy Bob Flybottom. During this time, several of her Zorro novels and short stories were published.
The author worked in public school libraries for thirty-five years, retiring in 2017. Several of her books have won awards, including Planet of Outcasts, which just earned gold in the Royal Palm Literary Contest from Florida Writers.
Susan Kite was born in Indiana, but because her father was in the Army, she moved extensively during her growing-up years. The post library was the first place she found after a move, avidly reading the works of Andre Norton, Robert Heinlein, Anne McCaffrey, J. R. R. Tolkien and many others. In her teens, she dabbled in writing, creating stories based on characters from her favorite TV shows. (Today that’s called fan fiction!)
Diego Perez only knows the rolling hills of 1820's southern California. Then he is kidnapped by reptilian aliens. Diego is now a slave and must learn a new language, a new way of life, and the teeming array of alien life-forms, all the while determined to regain his freedom and a place in this new universe. He also has to stay alive!
Diego believed he’d found his freedom, but little did he know his real journey was just beginning.
After the Resh’s defeat, he’s thrust into a role as a sub-commander in the Seressin Empire, under the watchful eye of the formidable Commander Ziron. Yet, the world he was born in is gone, leaving him struggling to make sense of it all.
Portuguese translation of Moon Crusher. Diego Perez must learn to live among strange and hideous creatures or he will never survive his first adventure in space!
In the not so distant future, Bold Venture Press will publish Becoming Zorro, a collection of three of my Zorro stories. The first tells about Diego's journey to becoming a...
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I am so happy you visited my site. I have been writing for so long and the reason is that I love creating new worlds, populating them with all sorts of characters for other people to enjoy.